Google has rebranded AdWords as Google Ads and consolidated its other advertising products into Google Marketing Platform and Google Ad Manager.
According to Google, the change is intended to make it easier for small businesses to advertise across all PPC channels and for enterprise-level advertisers to take advantage of advanced forecasting and intelligence technologies.
![Google AdWords Is Now Google Ads 1 July 2018] Google Update: Goodbye Google AdWords; Hello Google Ads - Mindstream Media Group]()
Google Ads
Formerly known as Google AdWords, Google Ads is intended to make it easier for Main Street brick-and-mortars to advertise across partner pages, video, search, and more to reach potential buyers.
For small businesses, Google introduced Smart Campaigns, a more natural way to target visitors who are ready to call, visit the store to make a purchase, or go online.
The new Google Ads point is to make it easier to advertise beyond the search box and for businesses to create ads that help sell.
This should have the effect of spreading the advertising budget across a wide range of ad-driven websites.
Google Marketing Platform
Google Marketing Platform is the integration of DoubleClick Digital Marketing and Google Analytics 360 Suite. There are solutions for small and enterprise-level businesses.
Google Ad Manager
Google Ad Manager is also an integration of various advertising-related products. DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange.
Among the highlights of the new Google Ad Manager:
Features algorithms to suggest growth opportunities
Provides intelligence on ad inventory
Connects Google Analytics, Data Studio, and BigQuery data for an integrated overview.”
Read the official Google overview of changes here.