SEO Updates

How to Use Cookies in your Content Marketing

Several different types of cookies are used for content marketing purposes. Most of the time, you will use cookies in a website’s HTML code to store...

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Boost Your Website’s Visibility and Drive Traffic

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business or website. With millions of websites competing for...

Maximizing Your Online Visibility: A Comprehensive Guide to Using the Google Keyword Tool

The Google Keyword Tool, now known as the Google Keyword Planner, is a powerful tool that helps website owners and marketers identify the most relevant...

Video SEO – How to Get More Views on YouTube

I’ve been doing video SEO since 2016 and have had over 100k views per month. It doesn’t matter if you’re producing great content; one simple...